Tagged With: Redco 750
Why Is Polyurethane Used So Often In Sawmill Applications?
We occasionally hear from our sawmill customers “You guys want to stick urethane in everything!” The comment isn’t to be mean but it reflects the fact that many applications and problems we are tasked with solving end up with a polyurethane solution. For many people they are surprised that polyurethane can serve any “industrial” applications … Continue reading
Why Are You Still Using Metal Sprockets?
Recently we took part in a large expansion of one of our customer’s facilities and Redco plastic solutions were in all of the new machinery; however, for a new sorter our plastic sprockets had been declined in favor of a less expensive steel option. This is, of course, the customer’s choice but there were already … Continue reading
Redco 750 L- Channel For OSB Mills
One of our recent solutions has been replacing UHMW L-shaped channel for chain runs in OSB mills with Redwood Plastics and Rubber Redco 750 polyurethane. The issue is that the chain creates too much heat on the UHMW plastic warping it and causing it to bubble. Redco 750 bears more load and its properties appear … Continue reading
Redco 9600 Impact Bearings
Perhaps an underutilized plastic sawmill solution, Redco 9600 impact bearings serve an important role. They consist of a double-hardness polyurethane combined with a durable steel outer shell. The system is designed to provide easy-to-change components and self-lubrication properties. Designed for high-impact, low-speed applications such as hour glass rollers and log kickers the 9600 Impact Bearings … Continue reading
Redco 750 S.N. Bearing Inserts
Redco S.N. Bearing inserts were originally designed as a short-term replacement for standard cast iron housings. But made from durable Redco 750 polyurethane our customers have taken these inserts to be a permanent solution now at many sawmills. The bearing inserts perform better than the iron and are quick and relatively inexpensive to replace. Also, … Continue reading
Why Switch To Plastic Sprockets?
Plastic sprockets primarily made of Redco 750 have widespread use in the sawmill industry. Metal sprockets have been available long before plastic and some mills still hold out on switching to plastic. The question gets brought up “why would I want to switch to plastic?” First of all, plastic sprockets will reduce wear on the … Continue reading
Urethanes Hard At Work
UHMW-PE gets a lot of attention in the mills as it is a proven solution with decades of success in a variety of sawmill and planar mill applications. However, the versatility and unique properties of polyurethane should be given equal attention. Urethanes can come in durometers (hardness) from eraser soft, to bowling ball hard. Functionally, this … Continue reading
The Simple SharkFin
“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” -Steve Jobs Well, we can’t move mountains with our simplicity – but we sure can move boards! The Shark … Continue reading