Tagged With: sharkfin
Why Choose To ‘Swim With A Shark Fin’?
With every substantial investment people want to know “how does this benefit me?” and sawmill technology is the same. The Shark Fin Board Turning system has over 20 years of excellent performance in sawmills all over the world – from Canada, to Russia, to Brazil, to Australia, and throughout the USA. But why does a … Continue reading
The Simple SharkFin
“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” -Steve Jobs Well, we can’t move mountains with our simplicity – but we sure can move boards! The Shark … Continue reading
Sharks in Siberia
Recently Redwood Plastics completed a deal to send a modifed 4-grader SharkFin Board Turning System to a mill near Irkutsk, Russia. Irkutsk is one of the largest cities in Siberia and is known as a “hub” of administration and trade. The four grader system was designed to optimize quality of grading yet increase … Continue reading