Tagged With: Redco Deadplate
Why Is Polyurethane Used So Often In Sawmill Applications?
We occasionally hear from our sawmill customers “You guys want to stick urethane in everything!” The comment isn’t to be mean but it reflects the fact that many applications and problems we are tasked with solving end up with a polyurethane solution. For many people they are surprised that polyurethane can serve any “industrial” applications … Continue reading
Deadplate: 5 FAQs
Redco Deadplate is a polyurethane with very specific properties and the sole application in sawmills of absorbing and deadening shock. Because Deadplate is so unique, sometimes customers don’t understand how to use incorporate it into their mill or even request a quote. Fortunately, it’s an easy material to quote, manufacture, and install. So what are … Continue reading
Stop Shock With Redco Deadplate
If you are experiencing shock issues anywhere in your mill operations where logs or lumber are impacting equipment then you need to consider a Redco Deadplate solution. Redco Deadplate is a variety of polyurethane specifically for shock-absorption applications and is primarily used in sawmills. The application commonly takes place where logs or lumber impact part … Continue reading