Why Are You Still Using Metal Sprockets?
Recently we took part in a large expansion of one of our customer’s facilities and Redco plastic solutions were in all of the new machinery; however, for a new sorter our plastic sprockets had been declined in favor of a less expensive steel option. This is, of course, the customer’s choice but there were already … Continue reading
Trimmer Lug Design Template
Our estimators and sales people at Redwood Plastics and Rubber often receive request for quotes on UHMW trimmer or roller lugs. The issue is that customers often think the lugs they are using are ‘standard’ when this is not the case. In fact, our inventory holds hundreds of part numbers for different trimmer/roller lugs of … Continue reading
Custom Colored Polyurethane Parts
Polyurethane is one of the main plastics used for sawmill applications. Everything as diverse as kraftmill safe machined U-channel, to sprockets, Shark Fin lugs, and bearings. Softer urethane being used for Redco Deadplate or other shock and vibration dampening products. Most of the time for customers color isn’t important but sometimes a mill manager or … Continue reading
Sawmill Spotlight: Brooks Sawmill
Have you seen the recent Leonardo Di Caprio film “The Revenant”? Some people know the film was made in Canada but most do not know where the building materials came from used to make the 19th century West come to life. It was Brooks Sawmill out of Cochrane, Alberta. A family run sawmill that has … Continue reading
Trusted PVC Strip Door
In the world of modern sawmill plastic applications – a world of sprockets, turners, bushings, sharp chain bed, and other more colorful and “flashy” applications we can forget the basics. PVC strip door aka “flexible vinyl” is just as important to sawmills as it is to other industries where people would more readily think of … Continue reading
Sawmill Spotlight: Hill Tavern Farm Wood Products
Highlighting this recent article about Jay Healy and his sawmill in Charlemont, MA. Jay is a former state legislator and agriculture secretary. What is interesting about his sawmill is not only does it harvest wood from his own family’s 500 acre tree farm (the largest in the state) but it’s extremely efficient. Jay boasts that … Continue reading
Tuffkast 025 vs. 020 In Carriage Wheel Applications
Redwood Plastics offers multiple grades of their Redco Tuffkast product and recently a customer came to us asking about the differences between the grades. In this case, the customer had been using the standard Tuffkast 025 for carriage wheels and then noticed a special 020 grade just for carriage wheels existed. They were wondering if … Continue reading
Product Spotlight: CJ Composite Bushings
Plastic bushings and bearings have several decades worth of success in sawmill applications but these are usually nylon, polyurethane or UHMW bushings. Redwood Plastics is trying to introduce the more advanced composite bushings into sawmill applications. The composite bushings have several advantages, with their filled PTFE liner they are much slicker than other bearing choices … Continue reading
Wind Powered Dutch Sawmill
This is a piece more about curiosity and fun rather than cutting-edge sawmill technology. We stumbled across an article and some videos about a wind powered sawmill in the Netherlands. It’s amazing to see this old mix of wooden gears and cogs work together to power the blades. Since wind is in control, the windier … Continue reading