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Trimmer Lug Design Template

Posted by on August 20, 2019

Our estimators and sales people at Redwood Plastics and Rubber often receive request for quotes on UHMW trimmer or roller lugs. The issue is that customers often think the lugs they are using are ‘standard’ when this is not the case. In fact, our inventory holds hundreds of part numbers for different trimmer/roller lugs of all different thicknesses, lengths, and profiles. Thus when a RFQ comes in we treat it as a new custom part. Yet, these lugs are so common that we wanted an easy way for customers to specify their requirements.

Below you will find a blank drawing for a trimmer/roller lug. Simply print it, measure your existing lugs, fill in the measurements and email your request to

Please be sure to include the quantity of lugs you require!

Roller Trimmer Lug Blank

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