In the world of modern sawmill plastic applications – a world of sprockets, turners, bushings, sharp chain bed, and other more colorful and “flashy” applications we can forget the basics. PVC strip door aka “flexible vinyl” is just as important to sawmills as it is to other industries where people would more readily think of it, such as food processing. In fact, PVC strip door isn’t “just strip door” – in particular the lower temperature formula is extremely popular in Canada as it can readily handle -30 degrees Fahrenheit in constant application before becoming brittle. The product is sold in standard rolls with three widths and thicknesses 8″ (0.080″), 12″ (0.120″) and 16″ (0.160″). In Canada, due to its popularity, only cold weather rated strip door is stocked by Redwood Plastics. In the U.S., the branches usually stock the regular formulation.
A standard quotation will be for a roll of plastic (which can easily be cut on site with a box cutter). Some, but not all, of our branches can supply the strip door with davits (the holes with the metal reinforcements) for an additional charge. Redwood Plastics usually restocks in later summer/early fall so those are the best times to get the greatest selection (and to preempt Old Man Winter!). To learn more see our brochure here.
To request a quote please contact Redwood Plastics. Please note which PVC strip door profile you are interested in to minimize the time to quote.