Tagged With: PVC
Solution Spotlight: PVC Strip Door – Keep The Cold Out!
With the fall comes a bitter chill in many sawmilling regions and it’s consequently the time to invest in PVC strip door supplied by Redwood Plastics and Rubber. PVC strip door covers open entrances helping to keep inside work spaces warm and clear of drafts. The product also serves to protect machinery from dust and … Continue reading
PVC Strip Door – Keep The Cold Out Of Your Mill
In the world of engineered plastics solutions for sawmills – plastics that function – it can be easy to overlook some of the simpler applications. One of those is flexible PVC strip door available from Redwood Plastics and Rubber. This strip door is sold by the roll and is all cold-weather rated. This means it … Continue reading
Trusted PVC Strip Door
In the world of modern sawmill plastic applications – a world of sprockets, turners, bushings, sharp chain bed, and other more colorful and “flashy” applications we can forget the basics. PVC strip door aka “flexible vinyl” is just as important to sawmills as it is to other industries where people would more readily think of … Continue reading