Titanium Strength
We’ve hinted at the applications for Redco Titanium UHMW in previous articles here (such as the Titanium option for chain channel). However, we wanted to highlight the material specifically as there are many applications in saw and planermills that would be better served by replacement with Redco Titanium. Redco Titanium is simply the slickest, strongest … Continue reading
Titanium Chain Channel
Yellow UHMW polyethylene chain channel has been a proven solution in mills for years. The plastic channel fits into existing metal channel and increases equipment life, reduces chain wear and reduces power requirements as equipment does not have to work as hard to pull the chain. Like any good technology, improvements are developed and capabilities … Continue reading
Titanium Strength UHMW
UHMW is an essential plastic in top-producing saw/planermills and within that family of plastic Redco™ Titanium is the ultimate in strength, slide and toughness. Across every dimension the material outperforms regular UHMW and also has the lowest thermal expansion of all UHMWs as an added advantage, making installation simpler and more precise. Titanium UHMW works great as a liner, … Continue reading
NEW! Chain Channel Inserts
R E D C O™ C H A I N C H A N N E L I N S E R T S Less wear on your chain, less noise and less maintenance costs without having to change out your metal channel. These inserts simply fit into your current channel. Available in C3 and … Continue reading