Tagged With: engineering
While many plastics have applications in sawmills for decades UHMW has been the most popular. An impressive package of properties, applications and cost (notwithstanding a great pulpsafe grade in Synsteel) keep UHMW as the top plastic in the industry. While we focus on applications for this blog, we do get requests for technical information on UHMW. … Continue reading
Titanium Strength UHMW
UHMW is an essential plastic in top-producing saw/planermills and within that family of plastic Redco™ Titanium is the ultimate in strength, slide and toughness. Across every dimension the material outperforms regular UHMW and also has the lowest thermal expansion of all UHMWs as an added advantage, making installation simpler and more precise. Titanium UHMW works great as a liner, … Continue reading