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Titanium Strength UHMW

Posted by on June 19, 2013

UHMW is an essential plastic in top-producing saw/planermills and within that family of plastic Redco™ Titanium is the ultimate in strength, slide and toughness. Across every dimension the material outperforms regular UHMW and also has the lowest thermal expansion of all UHMWs as an added advantage, making installation simpler and more precise. Titanium UHMW works great as a liner, in conveyors, chutes, wear guides and even as truck liner. The material solves many issues in abrasion and wear, excelling in situations where regular UHMW may struggle.titanium-log-deck-200

One of the most important applications is as chain channel. Providing an even slipperier surface, Titanium chain guide will outperform the standard yellow UHMW channel and will further reduce your costs and power requirements. When deciding between regular and Titanium chain channel do not just consider the advantages Titanium’s properties provide but also factor in the benefits of increased production you will enjoy with less maintenance downtime.

Titanium is available in standard 4′ x 10′ sheeting in standard thicknesses from 1/8″-2″ and has a smaller cost premium than you would expect. Redco™ Titanium is an investment that will help ensure you maximize production and minimize downtime at your mill.


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