Tagged With: sprocket
If You’re Experiencing These Problems, Plastics Can Help
This article is non-specific in that it doesn’t discuss a single plastic or application. It is geared towards those involved in maintenance at sawmills, planar mills, and OSB plants when something is wrong and a solution isn’t self-evident. In what type of situations should you consult with a knowledgeable plastics distributor, such as Redwood Plastics … Continue reading
2 Simple Reasons To Switch To Plastic Sprockets
Plastic sprockets primarily made of polyurethane but sometimes nylon have been part of the sawmill industry for years and are proven in this application. But there are still many sawmills where metal sprockets are used. If your sawmill is one of those, there are two very good reasons to make the switch over to plastic! … Continue reading
Idler Sprockets – 3 Reasons Plastic Is Better
Sprockets keep things moving in the mill and while plastics offer advantages over metals in countless applications the humble sprocket is where plastics can help the most. And there are three big ways plastics save your mill money over their life-cycle and reduce maintenance downtime. 1.) Reduced Weight Redco™ 750 sprockets are up to 50% lighter … Continue reading
Sprocket Solutions
Plastic sprockets in sawmills are a tested and valuable solution that reduces wear on chain and equipment while also reducing noise and downtime. Plastic sprockets come in several types including “Snap-it”, mill chain, drive and traditional bolt-on or split. Snap-it sprockets are the cheapest and are very easy to install, a video can be found here. However, snap-it sprockets are only … Continue reading
The Newest Sprocket Innovation
Announcing the REDCO™ SNAP IT SPROCKET. This is the newest innovation from Redwood Plastics revolutionizing sprocket technology. EASY TO INSTALL Reduce your maintenance costs with the SNAP IT SPROCKET no bolt design. Easy and quick to assemble, simply match the arrows on the a-plate and snap together. DECREASE DOWNTIME AND INCREASE PROFITS SNAP IT SPROCKET’s interchangeable … Continue reading