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Tagged With: timber

Sawmill Helps Build The World’s Largest Freestanding Timber Structure

Colorado Timberframe has recently supplied sewn lumber to the world’s largest freestanding timberframe structure: for the “Ark Encounter” exhibit in Williamstown, Kentucky. The size of this boat is staggering: it used 3.1 million board feet of timber, with 1/3rd of it being pine-beetle reclaimed Englemann spruce. The volume of the Ark is equivalent to 500 … Continue reading »

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Sawmill Solutions

If you are new to the sawmill industry you might be surprised by the use of industrial plastics in mills. If you look closely you may see plastics virtually everywhere in sight. Plastic sprockets, hooks, wheels, wear strips – all while mill chain is running on a bed of plastic channel. The reason for this volume of plastic is … Continue reading »

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