Tagged With: saw blade carrier
Redco Saw Blade Carriers – FAQs
The new model Redco Saw blade carrier has been on the market for a couple years and has received a very positive response. The saw blade carriers are manufactured out of quality Redco polyurethane and are the result of years of research and planning into the best way to make this important safety product. As … Continue reading
Categories: polyurethane, sawmills
Tags: polyurethane, redco, redwood-plastics, safety, saw blade carrier
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Saw Blade Carriers
One of the problems with safety solutions is that they are best implemented before something goes wrong. As such, needs for safety products tends to be overlooked…Only to be brought up when a safety auditing unit gets involved. One such product is the Redco™ Circular Saw Blade Carrier. Inquiries on this solution are often brought … Continue reading