Tagged With: nylon PVM
Next-Gen Bushings
Several mills on the pacific coast of the U.S. are currently running tests on a new kiln cart bushing. These were designed by Redwood Plastics’ Woodland location in response to complaints about existing bushings in the mills. The regular blue nylon was causing frustrations as the kiln carts were difficult to move. To the point that, … Continue reading
Categories: nylon
Tags: bushing, nylon PVM, redwood-plastics, sawmill
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One Tough Bed
UHMW is well-known in the sawmill industry. Maintenance managers understand the material and the track record of benefits it provides. However, UHMW is not a ‘miracle’ plastic that makes sense in all situations. Other materials may be optimal, and sharp chain bed is one application where UHMW has an upgrade. The standard for chain bed is changing. One … Continue reading
Categories: chain-channel, nylon
Tags: nylon PVM, sawmill, sharp chain, uhmw
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