Tagged With: plastic sprockets
Polyurethane vs. UHMW
Regarding sprocket applications in particular it seems the default request in 2020 is for “UHMW” sprockets. Indeed, UHMW is used in some sawmill sprocket applications and is widely used elsewhere in sawmills as wear parts. However, the material is not ideal for use in either a drive or idler sprocket – why is this so? … Continue reading
Categories: polyurethane, uhmw
Tags: plastic sprockets, polyurethane, redco, sprockets, uhmw
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Why Choose Plastic Sprockets?
For customers who haven’t used plastic sprockets before, at first the product seems like a novelty. Many users think that the sprockets will be cheaper than metal because “it’s just plastic”. When they find out this isn’t true the question inevitably comes up “then why choose plastic sprockets?” It’s a good question and the answer … Continue reading
Categories: polyurethane
Tags: plastic sprockets, sawmill, sprockets, uhmw, UHMW trimmer lugs
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