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The Benefits of Nylon Sorter Sheaves

Posted by on April 12, 2019

Swapping out customer’s existing metal sorter sheaves for our nylon sheaves is a typical sawmill application for industrial plastic. But why should you consider this investment? The answer comes down to the fundamental properties of nylon and the benefits it offers to your mill. Unlike most metals, nylon sorter sheaves will not rust and they are also lighter and easier to install. They are commonly available in a dark grey “moly-filled” version of nylon plastic called Redco MD but can also be had in oil-filled grades permitting less lubrication. Redco MD’s moly filler provides excellent wear properties on lower rotation applications. The plastic is long-lasting and requires less maintenance. While a press fit bearing can be supplied, the material itself is also a fantastic bearing material so a simple thru-hole for the bore is usually the most economical.

The benefits to your mill are:

  • Reduced maintenance
  • Less changing of parts
  • Save money in the long run

For assistance with your sorter sheaves please contact Redwood Plastics and Rubber.


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