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Sawmill Audits

Posted by on October 5, 2015

The benefits of industrial plastic in sawmills have proven themselves for decades. But how do you as a mill manager or maintenance manager know if you’re utilizing all the benefits plastics can offer your mill? Redwood Plastics representatives are well-regarded for their knowledge of sawmill applications and we do get invited to perform audits of sawmills: to check what you are using, question you on maintenance or production issues, and offer recommendations where Redco sawmill products would benefit your production and reduce downtime.

Each audit would need to be considered on a case-by-case basis and the ability to perform an audit is contingent on the representative’s availability, personal discretion and geographic location. Even if we cannot visit, our reps are well-trained to ask the right questions over phone or email to ascertain where we might benefit your operations best.

Currently we can potentially perform audits in select U.S. States and Provinces – if you are interested in an audit in these areas (or outside) please contact us.

Audits could potentially be arranged for:


Washington State




Western Montana





East Texas

North Carolina

South Carolina




British Columbia including Northern B.C.




If you would like us to connect you with a rep for a possible audit, or wish to conduct a “distance audit” via email/phone in territories not currently served by outside sales, then please contact Redwood Plastics.


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