Redco™ Synsteel is a special UHMW formulation designed to be “pulp-safe.” The plastic will dissolve in the kraft cooking process. It is attracted to magnets and will trip metal detectors. Synsteel’s wear and abrasion resistance exceeds virgin UHMW by a factor of two and is more dimensionally stable.
Redco™ Synsteel; however, is a proprietary formulation. Several unfortunate instances have occured where Redco™ Synsteel was specified for a job, yet the winning bidder on the job went with another similar, but inferior, material from a different supplier. This has led to underwhelming performance, increased downtime caused by the need for repair or replacement – and has resulted in disatissfied customers. Be aware that the properties of competing materials are not comparable with real Synsteel. Synsteel may be more expensive than those competitive products, but it will also outperform those materials. Specific attributes of the plastic such as abrasion resistance, specific gravity and metal content will also differ.
Whether it is Redco™ Synsteel or any other product, both salespeople and the customer have the responsibility to ensure the material used is as specified. As a speciality product with unique capabilites, ensure you get the real Synsteel.