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Trimmer Lug Spec Sheet

Posted by on March 9, 2020

White or black UHMW polyethylene trimmer lugs are ubiquitous at most sawmills. Unlike metal lugs, the softer UHMW takes impact while being gentle and non-marking with the lumber. These are also an easy to manufacture part that Redwood Plastics and Rubber has decades of experience machining.

Need a quote on some lugs and not sure where to start? We’ll make it easy for you with another one of our “oldie but goodie” spec sheets from the 1980s…Merged with the sharing ability of modern technology! Download the picture file below, print it, fill in your required dimensions, scan it, and email it to

Please also tell us the quantity required and if you’d prefer white or black?


Roller Trimmer Lug Blank

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