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UHMW Yellow Wear Strip

Posted by on May 2, 2019

While many maintenance managers know about UHMW U-channel for use with sawmill chain, less people seem to know that the same yellow/clean/reprocessed material that provides the channel with its excellent benefits is also available in simple, flat, wear strip. This typically comes in 250′ coils though it can be purchased in cut-to-size strips that cost approximately 50% more per linear foot than the full coil. The most common thickness of this stock is 3/8″; however, customers also request 1/4″ and 1/2″ thick strips at times. Widths up to 6″ are available. This is an excellent solution to bolt in on top of existing metal channel. The product is slick, long-lasting, and increases profit by increasing the lifespan of the mated chain (so it lasts longer) as well.

For more information on this product, please contact Redwood Plastics and Rubber.



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