Tagged With: plastic
Don’t Get “Pigeonholed”
One of any actor’s biggest fears is to be typecast in a particular role. The same could be said for industrial plastics in sawmill applications because for decades plastics have enjoyed success in a few specific applications: hooks, lugs, wear guides and bushings/bearings. Maintenance Managers and purchasers tend to only think of plastics in sawmill/planar … Continue reading
UHMW Conveyor Flights
One plastic solution in mills that needs to be kept in mind are UHMW conveyor flights. Easily fabricated, these flights replace cast steel and have numerous advantages over the traditional material. To start, they are 50% of the weight of steel, which offers power saving benefits. The UHMW itself offers a much lower coeffecient of friction than … Continue reading
UHMW – 3 Concerns
UHMW-PE is likely the best known plastic in the sawmill industry and with good reason. The material is relatively inexpensive, as engineering plastic goes, yet has a number of useful properties: impact strength, low coefficient of friction, and ease of machining among others. But no material is without its concerns or drawbacks. These are the … Continue reading
Titanium Strength UHMW
UHMW is an essential plastic in top-producing saw/planermills and within that family of plastic Redco™ Titanium is the ultimate in strength, slide and toughness. Across every dimension the material outperforms regular UHMW and also has the lowest thermal expansion of all UHMWs as an added advantage, making installation simpler and more precise. Titanium UHMW works great as a liner, … Continue reading
NEW! Chain Channel Inserts
R E D C O™ C H A I N C H A N N E L I N S E R T S Less wear on your chain, less noise and less maintenance costs without having to change out your metal channel. These inserts simply fit into your current channel. Available in C3 and … Continue reading